What Have I Been Up To?

Here's a rundown of my recent technical tinkerings. The "on the job" tinkerings will come when I have them released. At the moment, they are "precarious" and I need to put them through some ruggedization-- when they're ready for the light of day, expect a mash-up that includes Flickr, Youtube, Daylife and a people-finder for Drupal.

A Victoria News aggregator: http://mike.dewolfe.bc.ca/victorianews/
A Victoria For Sale aggregator: http://mike.dewolfe.bc.ca/victoria4sale/
A Clip-art site: http://www.prefabsite.net/clipart/
NYT Bestsellers / Amazon Mash-up: http://www.thosedewolfes.com/bestsellers/
A company website for a storage company: www.westcancases.com
A dead-end Phonegap project for iPhone (now, restarted with classic XCode development tools): http://www.thosedewolfes.com/marcopolo/index.html (however, I do love HTML5 and Canvas).
An e-book on the Science of Getting Rich: http://www.prefabsite.net/gettingrich/
